
Friday, October 27, 2006

Universal Logic

The following is a translation from The Zohar (Soncini Press – volume 4 of 5), Vayaqhel (Exodus) [203a], concerning the giving of the laws of Sabbath by Moses at Mount Sinai.

The Zohar is a compilation of the written works of the teachings of Rabbi Simeon bar Yochai, one of Israel’s most beloved Rabbis who lived at the time of the destruction of the second temple, at the beginning of the Common Era, almost 2000 years before our modern scientific era. At one stage of his life, he spent 13 years living in a cave deeply meditating the mystical meaning of words of Torah. After this he and his followers discussed the inner meanings of many of Torah's esoteric phrases and the words of Israel’s prophets, sages and kings.

Several important understandings of Zohar are lost in translation from Aramaic (the common language used in Jerusalem at the time) to English, therefore the following passage ought to be read with caution because only its original form accurately depicts its meaning;

…Then after the guilty ones were put to death, Moses assembled the children of Israel separately and gave them the Sabbath anew, saying: “Six days shall work be done…Ye shall kindle no fire throughout your habitations upon the Sabbath day.” Herein lies the mystery of the Sabbath, the supreme mystery that is only revealed to those versed in the Supreme Wisdom. On the sixth day, when the time of evening arrives, a brilliant star appears in the north accompanied by seventy other stars. That star smites the others, absorbing them all into itself, so that one takes the place of seventy. The same star then becomes enlarged, and is made into a fiery mass then extends itself round a thousand thousand mountains, becoming in the process a mere thread. After this the fiery mass draws out from within itself a variety of colors. The first is a green color. When that color appears, the fiery mass raises itself and plunges into the midst of the green color, occupying the inner part of it. Then the fiery mass of the star attracts within itself the white color. Then it ascends on high and plunges again in the midst of that color, occupying its interior. The same is repeated with the whole gamut of colors, all of which it thrusts outside, concentrating itself more and more in the middle until it approaches the hidden point to derive light therefrom…

…[203b] Of the other cloud it is written: ”And the cloud of the Lord was over them by day” (Num. X,34), also, “and thy cloud standeth over them” (Ibid.XIV,14) indicating the bright and luminous cloud wherin there are visible all varieties of light. But this cloud is a cloud of utter darkness that prevents any light whatever from penetrating through it. Really it is insignificant, but it is called a “great cloud” when it obtains sway. Alternatively it is called “great” on account of its darkness, which is so intense that it hides and makes invisible all the sources of light, thus overshadowing the whole world….

…and because the brightness is within, the verse continues, “and out of the midst therefore”, to wit, of the midst of that brightness, “as the form of hashmal” (electrum). The term hashmal has been interpreted as being composed of ‘hash’ and ‘mal’ meaning Hayoth (order of angels), of quivering fire.

As mans ability to accurately theorize sub atomic space improve, the science of the very large and the very small begin to converge. Scientists continue to grapple with subjects like the capacity for energy to escape the enormously powerful gravitational pull of a black holes intensely dense disappearing center, which has caused many in the past to speculate;

…that black holes lead to bubble universes, perhaps untold numbers of other universes that exist by virtue of their dense singularity at the center, which may, in turn, lead to other universal creations;

…or that black holes consume everything in their midst and that our universe as a result of its expansion will one day fizzle out to a void of dark nothingness;

…or that black holes are a time warp to new dimensions that remain connected in some way to our universe and that dimension, like a bubble universe, continues to be connected by the umbilical with its opening at the black hole.

Many theories exist, but recent astronomical observations suggest that black holes may be giant regulators of our universal mass. Black holes may ‘convert’ matter by unlocking all of the bounded energies contained by the mass of planets, asteroids, stars and their particles in an ongoing process of creation and re-creation. A black hole forms at the center of the collapsing remnant of a star’s imploding core when its gaseous plume, the star’s remaining mass, rapidly falls in on itself from the extremities of its expansive spherical circumference toward its center. As the increasingly dense center of this dark sphere forms it traps everything, including light, within its gravitational horizon completely enveloping the events within, marking the end of all that we can see.

This rapidly transforming matter travels with increasing speed inward on itself, toward the point of a singularity at the collapsing stars sub atomic center. On its way to formation, atom by atom, matter is atomically stripped to its barest essential sub-atomic components, as it approaches a velocity well beyond the speed of light. The inwardly warping sub atomic matter continues to gain pace until, at around ‘the speed of light multiplied by the speed of light (approx 90,000,000 kilometers per second), by Einstein’s famous E=mc2, the super-small subatomic partners of atomic matter, at the frontline of this inwardly collapsing phenomena, are unbounded to become ‘independent’ waves of energy, which are dissipated through the dimensionally connected epicenter of the black hole[1]. Therefore, if it is possible that matter may be reprocessed into purified energy and delivered in its most rudimentary form back to the universe in which we live it stands to reason that the reverse may also be true.

Under these circumstances the physical mass of our universal realm can be reduced to the energy form of its origin. In other words, matter is bounded energy (energy binding energy), which can be unbound when it returns to its lowest finite energy denominator, a pre-requisite in the process of creation where energy is converted to its material form. This theory gains support from the elements we find in nature where elemental atomic structures, defined in the periodic table, occur exclusively by natural arrangement and cannot be reproduced synthetically. Only the hand of G-d, in nature, pre-determined the physics required to create each element and each of these arrangements must conform to the essential aspect of energy in its original state.

In this model all energy, in its most primitive form, possesses only the capacity to return to this finite form, not the capacity to return to the form of its infinite origin, because this is not what our Creator intended for it. This immediate post-infinite (lowest denominator) energy form is the true origin of our physical mass / energy universe that emerged following the moment of G-d’s constriction of the infinite, the constriction that gave rise to the formation of the spiritual realms to shield us from the intensity of G-d’s Divine Spiritual Light[2]. Our imaginations can only try to grasp the myriad of possibilities that exist in the bridge[3] between the spiritual and the physical, but at the extreme margins of the mass/energy at the epicenter of a black hole, we may, in some small way, be beginning to perceive these connected states.

The physical and spiritual are distinguished by G-d being in a concealed or revealed state, whilst the revelation of G-d is determined by our free will decisions that orient the energies of good or evil. Much like black holes process physical matter returning them to their original energy state, people are capable of processing spiritual forces, returning them to their original spiritual states[4]. In an analogous super structure, the physical and spiritual are patterned and referenced throughout the Kabbalistic texts. In essence Kabbalah is the grand unified theory of everything. In the spiritual sense, there are numerous texts that focus their attention on the presence of good and evil and its manifestation in thought and spirit. One of the most famous works is Tanya, a compilation of teachings from the lineage of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi (1745).

Tanya teaches creation, in a predominantly spiritual sense, as manifest in mans divine psychology formed in the image of G-d. In a similar pattern to creation of the physical, influence from the higher worlds is brought down through descending spiritual worlds to affect us in everyday life. In essence the side of good and evil is always prevalent and mans ability to create conditions that lead to positive outcomes for humanity, in line with G-d’s divine plan, depends upon the application of free choice. Similarly, G-d determined to create the heavens and the earth and He created man in the image of G-d for His glory. G-d’s constriction of the infinite to bring about a physical creation is paralleled to mans’ psychological ability to constrict divine energy to ‘bring down’ a thought through the higher spiritual realms of the soul into the physical mind. The mind focuses by a process of continuing constrictions of divine energy converting thought into speech and finally action in the lower physical world where the balance between good and evil is defined. In essence, mans ability in this continuous process of creation determines the state of holiness of the lower world. The express objective of man is to enable a unification of higher and lower.

There are no greater people on earth than those who are the spiritual black holes of society, the most righteous of people – The Complete Tzadik or completely righteous person. These are the souls who have an acute hatred and heightened disregard for anything evil[5]. These are the people who process more evil through them than any others. They take on board evil spirits, evil garments in the lower worlds, the toughest cases, converting evil into spiritual energies that are good. Their bodies and minds are conditioned such that their unity is elevated to realms of purity which enables them to survive the processes required to fulfill their purpose. Many of us ordinary folk also possess some of this power, but we are often overwhelmed and overcome by evil forces, not knowing or not being aware of the temptations that confront us, instead we go along with the flow, offering no resistance giving in to even the weakest forces of darkness.

The continuous conversion of good to evil[6] or evil to good is the fuel that powers the engine room of the lower spiritual worlds. Society will progressively become aware of this in years to come as the psychology of man matures. Each person will learn to make themselves into a spiritual black hole to participate more actively in the recognition and conversion of evil forces to the side of good for the sake and benefit of their soul and all souls according to the plan of our Maker.

The word Elokim (out of respect ‘k’ replaces ‘h’) (א׳ל׳ה׳י׳ם) is the name of G-d which is stated 32 times in the first chapter of Genesis. This name describes His divine power to conceal the revelation of His Light from the lower worlds. In numerical terms the name (Elokim) א׳ל׳ה׳י׳ם = 86 = הטבע (hatavah; the nature)[7], in other words the named state of G-d, most responsible for creation, is equal to the value of the word for nature.

[2] Inner Space – The Ultimate Gift Pg 12 and 13
[3] Inner Space – The Universes Ophanim Pg 33; Likutei Amarim, beginning of Chapter 38, 2 Nissan
[4] Inner Space Ch 10 and Pg 85
[5] Tanya Ch10
[6] Inner Space Ch 5 Mercy and Repentance Pg 56
[7] The Gate Of Unity And Faith Ch 6

1 comment:

Kevin Bermeister said...

The Torah reading of Noah is key to the "sweet-smelling good" of our future world.

As long as we keep elevating that world of evil, which still surrrounds us, we will soon see a new world, one that turns the current precepts of the world in which we live, upside down and inside out...