Our physical interface to the spiritual realm, from the lowest universe - Asiyah, through the holiest and highest - Azilut, is secured against the dimensional backdrop that gave birth to these universal realms. These are dimensions of such depth, such 'smallness', such infinitesimal nothingness, such purity that their incomprehensibly sensitive qualities manifest in every aspect of any and every possible physical form. In this sense, dimensional finite energies are integrated with the spiritual 'Life Force' energies of thInfiniteie Being (Ain Sof) manifesting in Azilut (our universal realm) and flowing through everything. In a physical sense, at a sub-atomic and atomic scale this is significant because it gives rise to the notion of energy inter-dependencies on a grand unified scale. At a sub-atomic scale this dependency is emphasized because G-d's spiritual forces exert significant influence over the physical structures and sub-structures of each atom in each physical particle, inside every physical object.
If this is the case then, how come we do not feel the presence of this phenomena? Are we oblivious? It is scientifically acknowledged that the predominantly unknown particles, like Neutrino's and other sub-atomic energy forces that take on wave or wave-like forms, pass through our physical bodies every second of every day at the rate of trillions of sub-atomic components per second. So small are these sub-structures and forms that we are unable to detect their presence yet we know they exist. They make up the dark matter and other unknown components of the universe, the jelly mass in which the galaxies, nebula, black holes, stars, planets and people float. We are born into this universal sub atomic jelly, we live in it and it is essential to the forces that sustain life.
So, let's look back at what we have learned: The Infinite Being - The Force of All Forces establishes His will, through which He applies His energy in the form of Eternal Light, which after a shattering of these initial, intensely spiritual energies gives rise to the first finite dimension. His force is applied in 4 major universal realms channeled into 10 cascading 'vessels' of pure spiritual energy of which 7 are the lower vessels, containing remnants of the His original 'light'. The energies of light (good) and darkness (evil) are captured in each of the vessels, which converge. Their intersection becomes the mixing pot in which pre sub-atomic forces are born. The intersection at the peak of the decent (the convergence point) itself is an almost infinite point. At the precise intersection (convergence of all vessels and all realms) the battle of light and dark cannot be resolved by returning to the infinite form because to do so would go beyond G-d's permitted boundary, therefore the only outcome is by reversal, birth and inflatifinitethe fintie force. His beaming spiritual light, drawn to the intersecting singularity of the vessels, releases with enormous force, all that is contained within them giving rise to the creation of the physical world of Asiyah, the lowest spiritual realm, the new home of our physical universe, which expands massively. The dimensions of the most outer spiritual realms remain closest to the forces of G-d. They are the most extremely sensitive dimensions and are instantly responsive to everything He wills.
The extremity of the spiritual dimension of Azilut makes an almost direct connection to The Ain Sof (The Infinite Being), but no connection is actually made. Nevertheless, Atzilut is in such close spiritual proximity that His affect on the extremity of the finite realm of Azilut is instantaneous. It is in Azilut that G-d's spiritual will is transferemanatinge emenating forces of spiritual light that form the basis for His Angels to come into existence. Each next dimensional realm, in turn, transcends each of the other dimensions that fall below Azilut[1]. As discussed earlier, these are the other universal realms; Beriyah (Creation - Something from nothing), Yetzirah (Formation - Something from something) and finally Asiyah (Action - Completion). Connecting and weaving their way through each of these universal realms are the same finite dimensions that originated in Azilut. Although each realm is finite, they and all that they contain remain bounded by the infinite dimension from which they originate and ultimately the root of everything is, The Essence of G-d.
The constrictions that gave rise to each of these universal realms and their cascading vessels, which enabled the light of the Ein Sof to be restricted, shaped the forms of the dimensional structures of the predecessors to space and time before the Big Bang. Consider these dimensions as fractal-like forms, strings, tubes and shapes that connect, weave, and establish the basis for the foundation and primitive structure of space before the emergence of our universal events. However, at the point of the intersection, in the moment of the creation of the singularity, they give rise to the sub-atomic world of our universe in which we now live.
Since these dimensions are the essential foundation of the finite they constitute the building blocks of everything that can ever be physically possible. They contain within them the information that connects every particle of every atom everywhere. At the lowest levels of the sub-atomic dimension, these sub-fractional components are extremely sensitive to force of any type. At a scale relative to the sub-atomic (smaller than anything science has evidence ofenoughbrave enought to theorize), it is the forces of G-d, connected by His Light through His 4 universal realms and their vessels that guide and influence structure in our universe.
Imagine the trillions of sub-atomic particles passing through every cell of your body every second. Imagine, these interact with and impact the atomic behavior of all molecules in your body, which in turn are interconnected and responsive to this External force maintaining its perfect influence over all structure. Under these circumstances, your body and your brain are being affected by this Force and in return the atoms of your body have the capacity to influence this force. This is a two way[2] street, a communication mechanism that connects every atom in your body to the forces of G-d. Every thought and every action has an impact on this External Force and vice versa. With this interpretation, it becomes easier to comprehend the ways in which G-d communicates with us and affects us, for He is able to determine the oscillation of every possible atomic substructure.
It is the inner spiritual workings of your electric pumping heart and your mind and the oscillation of your atoms (in your body) that determine how you ultimately synchronize with His already oscillating Forces. You are directly connected to His Force. His oscillations are directed to everyone and everything and the aggregate of our personal and human oscillations in turn are felt by Him acting as a barometer of our spiritual state and that of the human race. So how do we connect with G-d? How do we respond to Him? How do we tune our spiritual sense to harmonize with Him? How should we live our lives? What mental state should we aspire to? Should we become motivated to think more seriously about Him?
To comprehend this in real terms one must accept that the energies of your body, mind and soul are susceptible to the influence of the forces that surround you, including the input that your brain receives from the brains of other people. Here are a few examples that will set you thinking about this in the right way. If you've ever been in a busy airport catching a flight where the process of moving through lines is necessary, but mundane, your thoughts will in all likelihood sway from the focus of your simple objective - to get on the plane. You will be distracted by events surrounding you, people, stores, food, bathrooms and general activities. The mind noise that emanates from all of the people present, who each have different secondary objectives (gates and times) to consider, is too much for you to bring into order so you tend to drift around in thoughts that are interrupted by the collective minds of those people passing around you. Compare this to a visit to a major sporting event where the entire stadium is focused on the play in the game. Everyone's energy is directed toward a specific focal point and very few distractive thoughts take your attention away from the action in the center. From this example you can see that you are also affected by surrounding (His external indirect) forces that influence you.
Consider your inner voice, the voice that is repetitively heard by you and by no-one else. This is the place in your mind where you 'talk to yourself' confiding in your thoughts, strategizing, analyzing, summing up and determining what your free will course of action should be. It's the place where you silently judge those around you, the place from where you compartmentalize information to establish your personal perception of reality, your kingdom, the one that provides you with foundation from which you can function as a stable person in this world. Internally your thoughts manifest as words (you think in words), somehow they come into mind, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly and they cause reactions, similar thoughts to converge and opposites to repel causing new results that in turn spur other inner voice words, eventually settling with some form of acceptance. Then it starts again. Why do you 'speak' to yourself? Surely we have no need for letters and words especially when they are not expressed in speech itself, but this is not the case. Language, letters and words appear to be the essential elements of our inner voice. So where do these word combinations come from and how do they just form in our brains? Consider the mystical nature of letters and their relative Kabbalistic energy forms, then consider that these energies flow according to the attributes (Sefirot) discussed in Kabbalah. From this we can begin to comprehend that letters are not just some physical manifestation of language, but that they derive from a higher energy source which is universally connected and which affects each of our abilities to function in the world we live and the space that surrounds us.
Most people will find it difficult to tune into or recognize the specific inputs they are receiving. Unexplained events, people you think of who call you, forgotten people that re-connect with you, strangers that talk to you, what are they really saying or doing, is there a hidden higher purpose behind each thought, each action, each event you experience that you may not be interpreting correctly? The more conscious you are, the more you will perceive your higher purpose so that you can apply your free will to this perception, of direct or indirect input, in order to benefit you and those around you.
To many this will just seem like noise, a loud unending hiss, the pain of distraction, or worse, no recognition at all. These are the thoughts and interruptions that prevent you from getting to interpret the pure thoughts that ought to be occupying your conscious mind. These are the levels of thought that would propel all of us to become better people. Blanking out, or reducing the noise or learning to identify with the source of pure thought is a skill that can only be learned with practice, patience and time. It begins by recognizing the negative forces that impede your correct comprehension of thought. Light and dark forces of G-d exist in the ether that surrounds you and the ether within you, your choice is to question the origin of every thought by applying your 'free will' to perceive these spiritual and physical energies. This process has been spoken of and studied since the soul of Adam was 'blown' into him almost 6000 thousands of years ago.
The Chassidic Masters of Jewish teachings, meditations and prayers are some of the deepest thinkers on the mystical subject of 'Thought Energy'. Many of these people lived during difficult times in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries having drawn deeply on their ancient learning heritage. However, it was during this time they clearly defined the teachings that have subsequently helped many millions of people to successfully contain their unholy thoughts and convert them to the highest levels of holiness, elevating darkness into light. It is this ability to recognize and conquer evil thoughts, promoted by angels, people and events of the other side that will ultimately bring the light of redemption to the world and only by our sensitivity to these energies are we able to recognize their existence and respond to them in the appropriate manner. If we fail to recognize this we will simply continue along humanities journey toward the great abyss. However, we can change, we can spend more time devoted to these energies and we can make the penultimate difference to the path for the future of humanity.
[1] Etz Chayim, Shaar 47, ch. 12, et al. 4. Tikkunei Zohar, Introduction II (beginning Patach Eliyahu). http://www.chabad.org/dailystudy/tanya.asp?NavCal=Heb&Lang=&tDate=9/19/2004
[2] Inner Space Pg 34 Divine Providence
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