
Monday, November 06, 2006

Think small to connect your conscious mind!

The following piece envisages conditions that lead to the moment we call the big bang a moment beyond the grasp of science. It is the convergence of science and Kabbalah that completes a picture bounded by physical and mystical logic.

Contemplate a ubiquitous state of comfortably warm light, evenly and perfectly distributed through space. Imagine the light extends in all directions from you, never stopping, always running ahead of your imagination infinitely. In this space, nothing else exists, no buildings, no trees, no earth, no planets, no stars, no objects, and no darkness, only light, perfectly even light. It permeates all directions and all dimensions, wherever you go, up down, right left, in, out, smaller, bigger, the light remains perfectly even from all points of view. Now imagine you are traveling through this light, absent of body, you are infused within the light, your consciousness is not distinguishable from it. You can think about the light forever, it will never come to an end for it is the eternal light of ‘The Ain Sof’, The Infinite Being.

Imagine the source of this light emanates from an even greater spiritual dimension by which all light and all space, is bound. A dimension that includes the Infinite Will of The Ain Sof infused within the infinite white light, just like you are, but always distinctly and spiritually separated from it[1]. Now The Ain Sof Wills the infinite white light be bound constricting and removing His Light from a region within it, forming a perfect finite dark vacuum like sphere. Imagine the sphere to be bigger than anything you can finitely conceive, substantially bigger than our universe, but not restricted to the same physical form. Imagine the massive scale of its formless dark spherical boundary, weaving and converging, toying with the light at its constricted edge. You can inspect the boundary, but no matter how hard you try or how small you scale your imagination, the intricately woven finite edge at the boundary continues to present itself in its infinite form, keeping the infinite warm light separate from the finite darkness of the sphere.

From the absolute center of the dark finite sphere a thin Ray of the unimaginably intense light is drawn. Sourced from somewhere beyond the infinite light,[2] it is immediately absorbed into the void, reflecting as a gentle dull, diffused haze. From points along the length of the Ray, gradient concentric atmospheres within the constricted space emanate. Now, beyond the sub atomic, you scale to view the diffused haze being channeled and reflected in these miniscule dimensions. Here, these new dimensions are a myriad of interconnecting tubes, like shapes that connect to each other in chaotic patterns, permeating the entire finite sphere to produce this beautiful diffused haze. The intensity becomes extreme, so much so that this single realm of finite light shatters into three lower realms each of lesser light intensity.

Figure - A 2D fractal image representing the ubiquitous sub atomic dimension at the edge of an object separating the finite from the infinite. Fractals are formed according to the mathematical theories of nature and are reflected in all shapes. Each of us may be closer than we think to the infinite realm by virtue of fractal theory.

Imagine at the exact center of the lowest of four major finite sub realms (spheres)including the outermost light, 6 smaller constrictions establish 6 new and independent spheres, which transform to conjunct, each producing a different absorption and gradient reflection within the white light. These 6 spherical bubbles of G-d’s spiritual light are bound containing varying degrees of the lights intensity.

Envisage these 6 [A11] separate bubbles converge at the central spiritual zone, marked as the end point of the Ray, to form the superset of the bubbles, bounded by the four major finite concentric spheres and all bounded by the infinite dimension of the Will of the Ain Sof. In this super spiritual region, G-d’s Ray of intense light, penetrates and reflects through the four concentric higher realms where the spiritual bubbles form new included smaller bubbles that are contained within bubbles, progressively filtering the intensity of the Ray of light. With each successive regression the dimension of the spiritual space converges on a finite spiritual singularity. At the precise center, in the final spiritual moment of constriction, the boundaries of spiritual emptiness are formed by His energy, immediately before the emergence of a physical singularity[3], where dark pre-sub atomic space, now devoid of almost all trace of spiritual light, progresses toward an absolute point of spiritual convergence.

At the exact focal point of G-d’s Ray of beaming higher world intervention, a big bang event releases unimaginable amounts of energy from the spiritual chambers at the intersection. In a time approximating 10^-43 through 10^-4, an incredibly small increment of physical space time, the growth of this fiery liquid sub atomic particle soup expands at a massive scale under massive force, well beyond the concepts of our present day knowledge, made possible only by the Spiritual Will, Design and Perfect Intervention of G-d.

As it is stated in the Midrash (an ancient and abstract interpretation of Torah),7 “By means of ten things was the world created: by wisdom, by understanding and by knowledge,...
…as it is written,8 ‘G‑d founded the earth with wisdom; He established the heavens with understanding; with His knowledge the depths of the abyss were burst open,’...“;
Bound and contained in the dimensions that surround and permeate the rapidly expanding pre atomic space of our physical universe, super small tubes connect to the outer spiritual dimensions of the spiritual realms from where the physical emerged. Dark space is fired by the powerful merging and splitting of the pre-atomic rapidly giving rise to basic sub atomic forces calculated to create the first basic sub atomic components that merge, collide, split and explode and gather to form atoms that aggressively collide and split fueling this newly forming rapidly growing space. With the passing of earth time, calculated to be some 13 billion years later and the cooling of our universe, energized atomic particles aggregate to form large active galactic stellar objects, cooling further to create planets and other material forms. At the center of this action, earth is formed, submerged below a primordial mass, in the vast spherical expanding darkness that we commonly call space.

Our physical universe continues to float in a soup of spiritual space!

At the fuzzy interconnecting boundary of infinite white light and the first sphere where spiritual dimensions first came into existence, The Ain Sof gently infuses His light surrounding it and infinitely penetrating it. At the more defined boundary between the last dull concentric sphere and the expanding space of our physical universe, only the subatomic dimensions remain connected through sub atomic tubular dimensional strings, like hairs, that enter our space at its edge.

“In the beginning G-d created the heavens and the earth” – Genesis - Bereishit 1:1 (The first 7 words of the Bible / Torah)

Three forces command the energy epicenter of the nucleus of each atom. These forces, known as a Quark are bound by dimensional strings, which form the basis of modern string theory. The space of these sub atomic string dimensions, when compared to the whole of the atom in which they are contained, is said to be on a scale as one atom is to the entire solar system[4]. At this scale one begins to conceive of the little that we actually know about the dimension of this super small, super sensitive world and even less about its connection with the infinite. In the convergence of science[5] and religion we glimpse the sensitivity of the super small and the ways in which the elements of G-d’s worlds logically influence all that we know and all that we don’t know. In man made scientific terms the big bang is the designated beginning of all we can know of the physical. Before that moment, when our atomic logic is pushed into the realm of the unknown, we can only perceive, follow and question that which we are taught.

[1] Zohar 4 164b “Who coverest thyself with light…”
[2] The Bahir – Aryeh Kaplan pg 102 Pt 25
[4] Stephen Hawkings Universe – The Cosmos Explained - Pg 234
Scientific American - September 2004
A Brief History of Time – Stephen Hawking
B’OR HaTorah – Vol 15

[A11]This is an enormously complex area of Kabbalah and needs to be carefully considered in respect of Asiyah, the other Sefirot and the Seder Hishtalshelut

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